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    No-Display AI Smart Glasses Redefine the Future of Wearables with 15 Million Shipments in 2030 Press Release
    No-Display AI Smart Glasses Redefine the Future of Wearables with 15 Million Shipments in 2030

    Wednesday, January 4, 2025

    Meta’s Ray-Ban glasses have spurred interest in Augmented Reality (AR) over the past year, potentially becoming a stepping stone to the adoption of more robust and visually capable AR devices. ABI Research, a global technology intelligence firm, has noted this shift in interest and forecasts no-display smart glasses shipments will grow from 679,004 in 2024 to 15 million in 2030 – a CAGR of almost 68%. No-display smart glasses will be impactful not just for consumer use, which will be the largest vertical to adopt the tech, but also for enterprise verticals. The latest published market data forecasts from ABI Research now include No-Display smart glasses to quantify this new device category and track expansion in the broader Extended Reality (XR) ecosystem.

    “It became quite clear that the Meta Ray-Ban collaboration was going to create a big wave of interest for Extended Reality (XR) when...

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    Faced with an ever-growing list of global challenges and headwinds, technology vendors and implementers face new challenges and opportunities. ABI Research’s latest report, “66 Must-Know Tech Stats for 2025,” highlights 33 markets poised for growth and 33 markets facing decline, equipping businesses with data-driven insights to maximize ROI and navigate market shifts.
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