Among worldwide central banks, offering Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) wallets is viewed as one solution to a two-pronged challenge.
James Prestwood
James Prestwood
Industry Analyst
Reece Hayden
Reece Hayden
Principal Analyst
Victor Xu
Victor Xu
Industry Analyst
Ryan Wiggin
Ryan Wiggin
Senior Analyst

Elizabeth Stokes
Elizabeth Stokes
Senior Analyst

DATE: Tuesday, September 26
TIME: 10:00 am EST

Body in White (BIW) is a critical process early in automotive manufacturing where companies ensure viability of both product and processes before committing to larger production. As BIW happens early in the manufacturing process, everything from design to simulation to physical assembly can happen in the BIW stage. This breadth of processes and the timing of them before mass production means the impact of variables at this stage is significant—both good and bad.

This webinar featuring Dassault Systèmes and ABI Research will explore these intricacies of Body in White processes and enabling technologies, including:

  • Analysis and trends around valuable enabling technologies,  both siloed and integrated into a cohesive platform
  • Key integration and outcome expectations
  • Recommendations for successfully implementing novel technologies in BIW manufacturing processes
Elizabeth Stokes
Elizabeth Stokes
Senior Analyst
Andrew Spivey
Andrew Spivey
Principal Analyst
The Battery Management System (BMS) plays an essential role in battery operations by monitoring and controlling the individual cells that make up the battery. If a cell’s voltage becomes too high and it is overcharged or if it becomes too low and is overdischarged, this will damage the cell, causing premature degradation and leading to performance and safety issues. The BMS ensures that cells remain within their safe operating bounds.
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