When you think about the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Wireless Connectivity space, there are some time-tested and well-known companies that come to mind. However, a new crop of players is changing the landscape, pushing the boundaries of innovation in an effort to address critical challenges that the wireless industry is facing today.
These innovations are taking many forms, including power consumption reduction, range enhancement, emerging audio and light communications capabilities, passive IC technologies, and wireless power delivery.
Other companies are taking an outside-in view, trying to tighten integrations with other sectors, like location technologies, or the larger IoT space.
As part of our Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Wireless Connectivity research service, ABI Research has identified 10 Hot Tech Innovators who are at the technological forefront of the wireless connectivity ecosystem.
Here are some the innovators that made the list:
The IoT has pervaded many industries, offering the benefits of increased connectivity. However, all that connectivity requires a lot of power.
Managing power consumption and the need for battery replacement or recharging, particularly within commercial or industrial applications such as building automation, RTLS deployments, or wireless sensor networks, has proven challenging. In response, companies such as Atmosic, InnoPhase, and Wiliot are driving innovation in power consumption at the IC level, allowing a wide variety of connected devices to stay powered for longer, and even enable battery-free and energy harvesting usage scenarios. Alongside this, embedded wireless power over distance solution providers, such as Ossia, have the potential to enable battery-powered devices to be placed more flexibly, send data on a more regular basis, and have longer lifespans.
For more information on the ten companies that are reshaping wireless connectivity, download our Hot Tech Innovators: Wireless Connectivity report.