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AT&T Retail Stores to Offer Amazon Kindle 3G

AT&T Retail Stores to Offer Amazon Kindle 3G

February 28, 2011

AT&T announced it will begin direct sales of the Amazon Kindle 3G eBook Reader device starting March 6th, 2011through its retail stores.

Since the introduction of the "international Kindle" device in 2009, AT&T and its roaming partners have been the 3G wireless connectivity provider ​for Amazon's devices.

Through the agreement, Kindle 3G will be sold at AT&T retail stores alongside the Apple iPhone, iPad, and Samsung Galaxy Tab devices for $189. However, it will not be available online via ATT.com

A recent ABI Research report, eBook Reader Evolution, found the majority of devices continue to be sold in the United States with Amazon seen as the largest device supplier.