ABI Research Blog

Celebrating International Women's Day

Written by Admin | Mar 8, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Every day, ABI Research helps the world understand how technology is shaping the future. And, we understand that women are becoming a force that will increasingly play an integral role in shaping technology itself.

To celebrate International Women's Day, we asked our team of amazing female analysts to share their thoughts on being a woman in tech, and what advice they can give to women interested in forging innovation in technology.

Johanna Alvarado, 5G & Mobile Network Infrastructure Senior Analyst

Being an engineer in the Telecom Industry has brought to my personal and professional life very interesting and challenging projects, which have not only kept me motivated and inspired but also have pushed me to grow. By choosing a career in STEM, you will be giving yourself the opportunity to have a very dynamic work environment, where no one day is ever the same, where your thoughts matter, and where you have the possibility to drive change and innovation. You will also have the opportunity to be immersed in a world where as women, you have the responsibility to provide your inputs, working as a peer with other male and female fellows. Technology evolution is the path forward for our societies. Therefore, both women and men have the responsibility to shape the future that we want for our families and communities.

Susan Beardslee, Freight Transportation & Logistics Principal Analyst

I follow roles that excite me and ensure that I continue to develop myself as my own unique brand, which is aligned with the company. I have taken different technology roles to expand my knowledge from gateways and ADAS to automation, electrification, and supply chain management. Never stop being curious and learning about your field and the world. Surround yourself with others who will both challenge and support you. Be ready for careers that do not exist yet, so keep evolving. Remember that you have a right to be in the room — but come bearing knowledge, insight, and a specific point of view of possible solutions.

Maite Bezerra, Smart Mobility & Automotive Research Analyst

It can be intimidating to work in a predominantly male segment such as automotive tech, but what it really means is that it is an area that can significantly benefit from a different point of view. Strong female voices are precisely what the automotive industry needs, especially now when more women are making vehicle purchase decisions. Therefore, we must believe in ourselves and our potential — even when we are the only woman in the (chat)room — because we have something to contribute.

Kateryna Dubrova, M2M, IoT & IoE Research Analyst

It’s in our hands to make the technology market an equal opportunity market! We see more and more female subject matter experts, engineers, IT specialists, and top sales makers in the IoT sector! The Internet of Things is growing exponentially and the time to get into it is now. Technologies like edge, stream processing & analytics, data ingestion and data integration, core analytics, storage, and AI/ML are all exciting and part of our future. Don’t fear data and science; embrace it and innovate!

Eleftheria Kouri, Augmented & Virtual Reality Research Analyst

As the augmented and virtual reality ecosystem continues to evolve and is set to transform many businesses from retail to entertainment and healthcare, women need to be at the forefront and build the future of this industry. It is true that there are not equal numbers of men and women working in AR/VR market, but women should not be discouraged from being a part of this new technological journey. Take the chance!

Khin Sandi Lynn, Next Gen Content Technologies Industry Analyst

Women should recognize and embrace their passion and capabilities in tech. Connected technologies today empower women across the world to shine. We can now learn, work, and network, anytime and anywhere, thanks to improved worldwide connectivity. The expansion of advanced network infrastructures such as 5G, high speed fixed networks, and fixed wireless access will continue to help women around the world learn, educate, mentor, and innovate in the tech industry no matter where they are. Now there are no excuses!

Michela Menting, Digital Security Research Director

Tech can seem a daunting industry to get into, but in reality, there are plenty of exciting opportunities. Digital Security, in particular, offers many interesting career paths, whether you want to get right down to the adversarial side of things like threat hunting and ethical hacking, or you choose to focus on the myriad applications that rely on security technologies, like blockchain technologies or even adversarial machine learning. It’s important to know that the field is not limited to being an engineer or developer either; the digital security industry also needs policy officers, privacy advocates, community and program managers, lawyers, regulators, industry analysts, etc. Digital Security is about people and processes, as much as it is about technology, and there is plenty of room (and demand!) for women to thrive.

Harriet Sumnall, M2M, IoT & IoE Research Analyst

One thing I have learned in my two years in tech, more specifically in the Internet of Things, is that there are solutions for many different avenues. I have spoken to a variety of stakeholders who are predominantly male, however it is important to note that some of my most interesting conversations have come from the innovative brains of other women in the industry. Regardless of the role, there’s always room for women to break the societal norm to strive for success in the tech industry.

Stephanie Tomsett, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth & Wireless Connectivity Research Analyst

There is always room for women in tech. The wearables market intrigued me, which led me to a career in technology research. I was fortunate to find a strong mentor and now my research focuses on wireless connectivity . . . a natural extension of my original interest! If something intrigues you, explore it. Find a mentor. Take the chance. Grab that seat at the table — there’s plenty of room for women with a passion for tech and innovation.

Contact us to speak with any of our impressive analysts. We’d be happy to connect you!