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DAS What I’m Talking About!

DAS What I’m Talking About!

May 04, 2015

Dali Wireless just released a press release outlining the successful completion of a dynamic capacity allocation field trial with NCS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Singapore Telecom and a leading ICT solutions provider for governments and enterprises with a presence in more than 20 countries.

For these trials Dali deployed their patented RF Router which builds on the CRAN architecture of the DAS to dynamically and autonomously allocate capacity to where and when it is needed. The benefit of such an architecture is that the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the system operator is lowered when compared to conventional or legacy DAS systems because the need to systematically over-provision the system has been removed.

According to NCS, the Dali system is the world’s first dynamic capacity allocation DAS and will help the company drive down their customer’s TCO while enhancing user KPIs. For the trial, NCS set up several different scenarios with Dali involving real-world RF distribution of 2G, 3G and 4G LTE-MIMO cellular signals. The network was dynamically configured using Dali’s Network Management System and both companies report that all KPIs were met satisfactorily and that the high throughput KPI stood out by confirming Dali’s claim of an almost lossless RF Router-based RF distribution network.


Nice work.