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Bluetooth Lighting Up the Corridors

05 Mar 2020 | IN-5627

A variety of different technologies are used to connect the different sensors used to create the several applications that put building automation systems together. Wireless technology is being introduced into this market, especially as older buildings are undergoing retrofitting projects and automated systems are being implemented in new buildings. Wireless technologies bring a number of benefits to the market, including the ability to implement with ease—there’s no need for any major work to current infrastructures to take place. While wired solutions are well established and backed by many leading vendors, they are also more labor-intensive and costly to implement, more difficult to retrofit, upgrade, or reconfigure, and less flexible. Wireless solutions are also more scalable, able to support monitoring a few thermostats and Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) devices to thousands of lighting fixtures over a mesh network. In 2017, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) introduced Bluetooth mesh, and since then over 400 qualified mesh products have arrived in the market. One key area Bluetooth mesh is heavily targeting and in which it will likely carve out most of its initial success is within smart lighting environments. Data gathered from sensor-rich light fixtures can include humidity, temperature, occupancy, and room or work plane lux sensors, among others, and can act as an entry point to wider smart buildings applications. Longer-term integration with beacons, asset management applications, indoor location, and wayfinding services can help drive additional insight and value.
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