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Home Workers Equals Lone Workers: What Can Be Done to Help?

09 Apr 2021 | IN-6117

A lone worker is defined by the U.K.’s Health and Safety Executive as “those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision.” As the world has evolved due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many more people are now working at their residence. In April 2020 in the United Kingdom, 46.6% of the nation’s workforce was working from home. It has been found that many employees are more willing to stay employed by their employer if they could continue to work from home rather than returning to their offices. Just as social workers or engineers are considered lone workers, those working from home are also falling into this “lone worker” slot. Lone worker safety solution providers—such as Vismo, Solo Protect, and Lone Worker Solutions—all offer products for those who now work from home. These providers have expanded their portfolio to include solutions in order to protect lone workers working on the streets and at home.
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