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What Does Facebook Envision for the Future of User Interface for XR Devices?

16 Apr 2021 | IN-6130

Facebook Reality Labs demonstrated a wristband wearable concept (resembling a smartwatch with a large screen) that detects hand/finger movements and allows the user to mentally control and interact with AR/VR devices. This User Interface (UI) leverages electromyography (EMG), which relies on sensors to translate electrical motor nerve signals that travel through the wrist to the hand into digital commands that can be used to control the functions of a device (such as clicking, swiping, and typing). Facebook claims that EMG is very accurate and can understand finger motion of just a millimeter. Initially, EMG will be limited to tapping on a button, but long term, the control options will be enriched (such as manipulating virtual objects in space or typing on a virtual keyboard) and support haptic feedback for more immersive experiences. To build this solution, Facebook is leveraging the technology from CTRL-labs, a startup that was acquired in 2019 (US$500 million to US$1 billion, estimated) and designed a wristband capable of transmitting electrical signals from the brain into computer input.
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