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AST SpaceMobile and Rakuten Mobile to Beam Connectivity from Space in 2026; What’s the Market Potential of the Space-Based NTN Mobile Market?

By Victor Xu | 28 Feb 2024 | IN-7251

In February 2024, AST SpaceMobile announced that Japan-based Rakuten Mobile, has unveiled plans to provide Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) mobile services in Japan, starting in 2026.This ABI Insight provides a brief understanding of the space-based cellular market, the potential impact of AST SpaceMobile’s NTN mobile services, and the commercial prospects of the NTN-mobile market.

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Written by Victor Xu

Industry Analyst
Industry Analyst Victor Xu is a member of the Asia-Pacific Advisory team and contributes to a diverse range of research projects, exploring technological domains such as mobile network infrastructure, 5G technologies, wireless networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), satellite communications (SatCom), and key technological developments across the Southeast Asian region.