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Mobileye’s Market-Ready Solutions Surge as Automotive OEMs Struggle to Digest “Open” Platforms

By James Hodgson | 11 Apr 2024 | IN-7300

Almost a year after announcing Porsche as a customer for the SuperVision Level 2+ system, Mobileye has expanded its work with the other premium brands of the Volkswagen (VW) group in the field of supervised and unsupervised autonomous driving. While internal development on a VW-customized autonomous vehicle system continues, Mobileye’s product offerings have enabled VW premium brands to remain competitive in the meantime. The outstanding questions are obvious: how long is the meantime, and how many resources can be devoted to an internal alternative for an existing third-party solution?
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Written by James Hodgson

Research Director
James Hodgson, Research Director at ABI Research, conducts research related to the field of autonomous driving and smart mobility, with a focus primarily on quantitative forecasting and analysis in the areas of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS), autonomous driving, and connected infotainment. James also writes reports on the transformative effect of automotive technologies on personal mobility and ecosystem dynamics.