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SpaceX, Globalstar, and Amazon Unveil Next-Gen Networks: How Will the Future of Space Communications Impact the Telecommunications Industry?

By Andrew Cavalier | 13 Mar 2025 | IN-7729

SpaceX, Globalstar, and Amazon have unveiled their next-generation Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, highlighting advancements in the future of satellite communications and Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs). This ABI Insight explores the technical capabilities, strategic implications, and wider market impact of these next-generation satellites.

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Written by Andrew Cavalier

Senior Analyst
Andrew Cavalier, Senior Analyst at ABI Research, focuses on satellite communications (SatCom) and space technologies. As part of the custom team, Andrew also focuses on wireless networks, infrastructure, and other emerging technology industry sectors such as Internet of Things (IoT), cloud, cybersecurity, 5G, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).