Examine how Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite systems are evolving and integrating with terrestrial systems for network enhancement.
Evaluate the current landscape of LEO market players, their satellite networks, and terrestrial solutions.
Identify technical, regulatory, and market conditions influencing the adoption and growth of LEO services (satellite-to-mobile, backhaul, broadband, and the Internet of Things (IoT)).
Identify the near-term and long-term opportunities presented with LEO deployments for different services and operational domains.
Critical Questions Answered
Who are the market leaders in LEO and what services do they offer?
How are satellite services in LEO evolving? What are the key technical and regulatory considerations that support and limit these changes?
How does the intersection of LEO satellites with Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), Network Equipment Vendors (NEVs), and cellphone manufacturers impact network service offerings?
How does the inclusion of Satellite Communications (SatCom) within an arsenal of connective technologies enable a well-rounded and inclusive network architecture?
What is the market potential and outlook for existing and new LEO services?
Research Highlights
Forecast of SatCom subscribers from 2021 to 2030 for key services (Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN)-mobile, IoT, broadband) and key operational domains (land fixed/transportable, maritime, and aeronautical).
Identification of key activities of leading companies and their contributions to future trends.
Analysis of different LEO satellite services, use cases, and forces driving their adoption.
Who Should Read This?
Decision makers within governments and regulatory bodies who are responsible for spectrum allocation and infrastructure.
Innovation leaders for mobile service providers who need to understand how SatCom in LEO will evolve in the short and long term.
Planners within telco and SatCom organizations who need to chart a path forward to meet the growing demand for capacity, bandwidth, and ubiquitous connectivity.