5G Contribution to Global Economic Activity

Price: Starting at USD 7,500
Publish Date: 23 May 2023
Code: MD-5GDP-101
Research Type: Market Data
5G Contribution to Global Economic Activity
RELATED SERVICE AND SPOTLIGHTS: Hybrid Cloud & 5G Markets 5G and Macroeconomics

Market Data Issue: MD-5GDP-101 | Published: 23 May 2023

Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Assist the telco industry in making investment decisions for enterprise 5G.
  • Equip the telco industry with solid datapoints to build a coherent value proposition for enterprise 5G.
  • Highlight the productivity gains of deploying (private) cellular connectivity to potential implementers.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • Which vertical will benefit the most from 5G deployments?
  • How can 5G connectivity help enterprises tackle the global trend of manual labor shortages?
  • How can the deployment of (private) 5G connectivity help increase enterprises’ efficiency and quality?
  • How much additional revenue can enterprises realize by deploying 5G connectivity?
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • Detailed forecast of the 5G contribution to the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by vertical.
  • Detailed analysis of 5G use case categories automation, quality increases, and efficiency enhancements, and their contribution to the global GDP.
  • Thorough forecast of the impact of automation, efficiency enhancement, and quality improvements on different enterprise verticals.
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Decision makers within network operators and telco infrastructure vendors to support their 5G investment decisions.
  • Key budget holders within System Integrators (SIs) and hyperscalers to help them understand the 5G opportunity and help them benchmark revenue gains against alternative wireless technologies.
  • Senior executives within end-market enterprises, who are currently battling with manual labor shortages and high energy prices.

Pivot Table Datasets

5G Contribution to Global Economic Activity by Vertical Revenue
5 Columns | 243 Rows | Show Segments

Version History

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