Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Tiny ML

Price: Starting at USD 5,000
Publish Date: 15 Jul 2024
Code: MD-AIMLT-101
Research Type: Market Data
Pages: 14
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Tiny ML
RELATED SERVICE: AI & Machine Learning

Market Data Issue: MD-AIMLT-101 | Published: 15 Jul 2024

Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Identify the market size (shipments and revenue) of Artificial Intelligence (AI) chipsets in Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML)/embedded devices for the rest of the decade.
  • Understand how TinyML chipset shipments and revenue will grow by key regions and architectures, e.g., Neural Processing Units (NPUs).
  • Evaluate strategy based on relative growth of key use cases, verticals and device types, and architectures.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • How significant will AI chipsets adoption be in embedded devices through 2030?
  • How will the AI chipset market for each region develop going forward?
  • Which AI use cases will these chipsets target?
  • Which chipset architecture will dominate TinyML by 2030?
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • Forecasts for AI chipset shipments and revenue in the TinyML market from 2023 to 2030.
  • Detailed breakdowns by region, vertical, architecture, and use case.
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Chipset vendors seeking greater insight into their market sizes and new growth areas.
  • Sales and marketing leaders in diverse markets impacted by AI.
  • Investors gauging the potential for growth in TinyML.
  • Strategists across the entire AI stack developing embedded products and marketing.

Pivot Table Datasets

Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets
6 Columns | 8192 Rows | Show Segments
Total Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets
6 Columns | 8192 Rows | Show Segments


  1. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  2. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  3. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets by Region, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  4. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Chipsets by Vertical/Device, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  5. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Agriculture by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  6. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Agriculture by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  7. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Automotive by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  8. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Automotive by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  9. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Cellular Network by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  10. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Cellular Network by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  11. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Healthcare by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  12. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Healthcare by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  13. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Manufacturing by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  14. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Manufacturing by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  15. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Personal & Work Devices by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  16. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Personal & Work Devices by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  17. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Retail by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  18. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Retail by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  19. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Robot by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  20. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Robot by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  21. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in sUAS by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  22. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in sUAS by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  23. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Smart Building by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  24. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Smart Building by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  25. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Smart City by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  26. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Smart City by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  27. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Smart Home by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  28. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Smart Home by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  29. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Transport & Logistics by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  30. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Transport & Logistics by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  31. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Utilities by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  32. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Utilities by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  33. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Wearables by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  34. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in Wearables by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  35. Total Shipments and Revenue of TinyML Inference Chipsets in XR by Architecture, World Markets: 2023 to 2030
  36. Total Shipments of TinyML Inference Chipsets in XR by Use Case, World Markets: 2023 to 2030


Key Motivations and Outcomes:

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry is developing at a rapid pace. However, the AI market is becoming increasingly complex due to the diverse end devices and use cases that leverage AI capabilities. It can no longer be treated as a single market or as a single technology with a specific addressable market or harmonized implementation requirements.

In light of this development, ABI Research has designed a comprehensive market data (MD) model to help our clients assess Total Addressable Markets (TAMs) and related business opportunities for AI chipset vendors across different industry verticals and device types, and to evaluate deployments of the technology over the rest of the decade. It looks at paths to monetization across key segments of the market and identifies market forces driving the technology implementation across each segment studied.

Market Data Output and Segmentation:

This MD provides forecasts for the following key components of the AI market:

• Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) chipset shipments and revenue

• Breakdowns per vertical/device

• Split between architectures (Microcontroller Unit (MCU), Ultra-Low Power Central Processing Unit (ULP-CPU), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), and Neural Processing Unit (NPU))

• Regional breakdowns

For each segment, ABI Research looks at market penetration of AI technologies across different use cases and analyzes the key factors that will drive business opportunities in each segment.

Below is a schematic diagram on the methodology of the forecasting process and key components of the market data.




For more details on each end device, use case, AI process, and chipset architecture covered in this report, please refer to the Definitions tab covering use cases.

Data Validation:

ABI Research has been tracking the AI market since 2013 and publishing market forecasting data and application-specific and vertical-specific reports. Data were generated by tracking companies and trends in different vertical application segments. Before publishing any output from ABI Research’s forecasting model, data have been shared with key industry players and stakeholders for validation. Feedback received from different parts of the value chain are then harmonized and the results enable ABI Research to update the model’s parameters and assumptions, and to align them with the overall industry expectations. Key assumptions have been made to adjust the forecast to reflect recent developments caused by industry trends like the deployment of NPUs in embedded devices.

Forecasting Models:

This MD covers all types of embedded, or TinyML, chipsets servicing major use cases and implementations at the far edge, from always-on sensors in personal and work devices, to predictive maintenance in industrial applications. Segmentation via device type for each vertical area was established by speaking to and studying relevant chipset suppliers, device vendors, infrastructure suppliers, and technology implementers. The same approach was used to forecast each AI use case and the architecture of the dedicated hardware for performing inference at the edge. It was also important to detail the use cases enabled by AI at the device level, and then to detail the hardware that would be used to support inference workloads.

The granular segmentation provided by this model, together with the range of our analysts' expertise, mean that ABI Research has been able to provide reliable datasets based on top-to-bottom and bottom-up approaches, reflecting on the balance of technology supply and market demand. This approach enables ABI Research to be unique in tracking both market and technology transformations across various industries. These have been based on dynamic changes in the typical characteristics of each market vertical, their relative pain points, and how the technology supply chain is aligned to solve these pain points.

Key Input Data in This Iteration:

Internal modeling, as well as primary and secondary research involving key chipset vendors and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).


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