Industrial and Manufacturing Survey 1H 2024: Private Cellular in Manufacturing

Price: Starting at USD 1,950
Publish Date: 06 Sep 2024
Code: PT-3316
Research Type: Presentation
Pages: 9
Industrial and Manufacturing Survey 1H 2024: Private Cellular in Manufacturing
Actionable Benefits

Actionable Benefits

  • Understand manufacturers’ key decision-forming factors in deploying a private cellular network.
  • Help digitization solution providers acknowledge and overcome manufacturers’ key barriers to deploy a private cellular network.
  • Help digitization solution providers identify and replicate the key drivers for private cellular network deployments within manufacturers.
Critical Questions Answered

Critical Questions Answered

  • What are manufacturers’ perceptions toward private cellular networks?
  • What manufacturing industries are more advanced in their private networks adoption strategies and why?
  • What are the main benefits that discrete and process manufacturers see in deploying a private cellular network?
  • What are the main barriers for process and discrete manufacturers to deploy a private cellular network?
Research Highlights

Research Highlights

  • Detailed report on the rollout plans for private 4G & 5G networks by manufacturing industry and enterprise size.
  • Detailed report on the rollout plans for private 4G & 5G networks in the United States, Germany, and Malaysia.
  • Thorough representation of both process and discrete manufacturers’ perceptions toward private cellular networks.
Who Should Read This?

Who Should Read This?

  • Manufacturing Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs): Gain strategic insights on how private cellular networks can transform your Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, boost digitization, and future-proof operations.
  • Industrial Automation Leaders: Discover how private cellular networks can enable faster and more secure communication for critical manufacturing processes, paving the way for smart factories.
  • Telecoms and Network Planners: Understand how liberalized spectrum and enterprise-driven private networks are reshaping the telecoms landscape, and how your company can participate in this growing trend.
  • Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Business Strategists: Explore the financial implications, including Return on Investment (ROI) and Cost of Inaction (CoI), of deploying private cellular networks, helping your organization build a solid business case for investment.

Table of Contents

Survey Introduction

A Look at the Status Quo: Where Are Manufacturers Now? 

Rollout Plans by Manufacturing Industry 
Rollout Plans by Country
Rollout Plans by Enterprise Size 

Manufacturers’ Perception toward Private Cellular 

Key Takeaways