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Hotel Room Addressable Market

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Smart Hospitality and Coworking Spaces

Report | 4Q 2024 | AN-5627

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ABI Research developed a Total Addressable Market (TAM) from secondary sources and government papers related to the current installed base of hotels rooms worldwide. This is shown in Table 3. It should be noted that there is significant disparity between estimates for the global base of hotel rooms, so our estimates are included here. A 2.2% CAGR across each region has been calculated across the forecast period. ABI Research’s model finds there are currently more than 33 million hotels rooms globally. With penetration of smart room deployments assessed to be in the low single digits in even the most advanced markets, there is significant potential for growth in smart room deployments over the forecast period. However, ABI Research expects penetration to remain within the mid-to-high tier at best, significantly reducing the immediate potential for adoption. ABI Research estimates this represents an immediate TAM closer to 40% to 45% of the total base of hotel rooms.