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4G/5G Revenue Comparison

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4G/5G Revenue ComparisonRevenue (US$)Source: ABI Research (AN-6209)010B20B30B40B50B60B202320242025202620272028202920304G RAN5G RANEvolved Packet Core (EPC)5G Core (5GC)


5G Standalone: Market Trends and Vendor Profiles

Report | 3Q 2024 | AN-6209

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The market for 5G Standalone (SA) is heading in the right direction, but has still not reached the widely-anticipated acceleration phase. The chart above compares the market revenue of 4G and 5G infrastructure between 2023 and 2030. As can be inferred, we do not see a clear takeover of 5G SA until the 2027 to 2030 period. The slow pace is due to persistent challenges for both operators and vendors, such as investment in 5G Core (5GC) and migration from legacy infrastructure. By this 4G-5G crossover point, the overall infrastructure market may be contracting due to 5G market penetration and anticipation of 6G.

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