5G Massive MIMO Shipments by Type

Source Research:

5G Massive MIMO

Market Data | 26 Feb 2024 | MD-MIMO-101

This chart indicates annual shipments of for 5G Massive Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (mIMO) radios between 2022 and 2028. While Open Radio Access Network (RAN) was virtually unused in 2022, shipments are growing at a CAGR of 126.1%, reaching 1.94 million annual shipments by 2028. However, traditional RAN, while growing at a more modest 10.1% CAGR, will sustain mMIMO market dominance - still accounting for 73% of mMIMO radio shipments by 2028. Just two years ago, that figure was 99.5%, highlighting the surging rise of Open RAN.