Network API Market Value by Use Case

Source Research:

Telco APIs: Market Sizing and Key Findings

Research Report | 28 Jun 2024 | AN-6157

The network API market size is expected to increase by 10X between 2024 and 2028, reaching a US$13.4 billion valuation by the end of the forecast period. Three main areas were considered in this forecast: Quality of Service (QoS) on Demand, network slicing, and security. Although slicing use cases dominate the network API market today, security use cases will overtake slicing as the biggest revenue driver by 2028.

It should be noted that these revenue forecasts illustrate the service opportunity generated by APIs, not the revenue generated by the API calls themselves. In fact, as of mid-2024, most API initiatives are free to use for developers, especially in the three use cases being forecasted below.