Consumer Metaverse: Digital Content, Services, and Advertising
Market Data | 4Q 2024 | MD-NGCS-102
Get The ReportGaming, like video streaming continues to reach wider audiences and the high degree of overlap between the user bases further strengthens the value of a user’s digital identity that encompasses their entire digital footprint. Gamers have already embraced a digital first market and already see value in (and pay for) digital assets and goods, although wider acceptance of NFTs remains elusive. The trends within the gaming industry have also led to more live service games and platforms, which serves as a solid foundation for future persistent worlds in the metaverse. These virtual spaces are also creating connections to other segments within the M&E market, such as live virtual concerts/events and group video viewing sessions.
As evidenced by recent acquisitions made by large companies like Microsoft (Activision Blizzard) and Sony (Bungie) the industry is gearing up to better take advantage of these live service games and virtual worlds. Meta too, despite the attention given to its Oculus and Horizon properties is taking a multifaceted approach to the metaverse through video, gaming, and social media.
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