Rapid Prototyping, Training, and Product Testing Drive a US$1.4 Billion Robotics Simulation Software Market by 2030

13 Jun 2024

Robotics simulation software is a pivotal technology for expanding automation in reshoring manufacturing initiatives. It provides a streamlined and robust pathway for innovation adoption and future-proofing facilities and workflows across the automation landscape. Global technology intelligence firm ABI Research found that design and development simulation software revenue will grow at a 21.6% CAGR to the end of the decade. This growth is primarily driven by the need for rapid prototyping, training, and the testing of robotics products from incumbent robotics companies and emerging disrupters. The entire dedicated robotics simulation software market will reach US$1.4 billion by 2030.

Beyond simulation software for robotics design and development, utilizing simulation for operation and planning has become an indispensable tool for real-world robotics deployments. Operational simulation software encompasses tools for Virtual Commissioning, Offline Programming (OLP), and Digital Twins.

“Virtual commissioning is about maintaining output. Stakeholders cannot afford the weeks of production downtime that have historically accompanied the integration of new robots. Some vendors claim that virtual commissioning can reduce deployment times by 60%,” George Chowdhury, Robotics Industry Analyst at ABI Research, explains. OLP software is another tool that expedites robot deployment. General purpose or retrainable robots are currently at the forefront of innovation and promise to add considerable value to previously monotask workflows. Teaching new jobs—notably for high-mix, low-volume production—to a robot is easily achieved with OLP tools. There are a lot of vendors offering innovation in this space.

Digital twins will take root and become critical for maintaining and updating automation. “It is likely that digital infrastructure will become the most important facet of simulation and engulf much of the functionality as virtual commissioning and OLP combined,” Chowdhury points out. Digital Twin revenue will grow at a CAGR of 9.3% compared to 6.4% for virtual commissioning and 8.5% for OLP.

Ultimately, simulation software will grow in lockstep with expanding robotics deployments. Although large digital transformation specialists such as Siemens and ABB will have large sway over developments within manufacturing plant settings, the pace and scope of automation through robotics will create plentiful markets for smaller innovators to capitalize on. Increasingly, NVIDIA, through Isaac, is providing the go-to platform for smaller simulation companies to showcase and augment their products.

These findings are from ABI Research’s Robotics Simulation Software and Applications report. This report is part of the company’s Industrial, Collaborative & Commercial Robotics research service, which includes research, data, and ABI Insights.


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