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How Has the Macroeconomic and Geopolitical Climate Influenced the Telco Market?

To the detriment of Communication Service Providers (CSPs), the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the subsequent supply chain issues, led to decreased margins in the consumer segment as average spending went down. Not only that, but 5G projects, such as standalone trials, were interrupted due to travel and logistical restrictions. All the while, the commercial market penetration has been maxed out for some time now. So, with all these macroeconomic challenges, how can CSPs and vendors within the telecoms industry generate a healthy flow of revenue while maintaining profitability? In this volatile market, telco players are, among other things, opting for adaptable pricing models, establishing alliances, and sharing the burden of risk with those newfound partners. Failing to make the necessary pivots today could very well lead to the degradation of many firms operating in the telco space.

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