Enhancing Vehicle Connectivity with Satellite Communications

Satellite communications hold immense potential in the automotive industry, offering expanded cellular coverage for vehicles in areas with poor connectivity. Read this research highlight to assess the current market dynamics for automotive satellite connectivity, key use cases, and enabling technologies.

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Automotive Satellite Connectivity Is Still in Its Infancy, but Shows Strong Potential

Satellite Communications (SatCom) provides connectivity regardless of location, making it a popular choice in many industries, notably in remote areas with little to no Internet connection. In the automotive industry, drivers occasionally lose connectivity services due to traversing in poor signal areas. Automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are increasingly interested in integrating satellite communications into their vehicle models to provide ubiquitous connectivity. The sustained connectivity also ensures after-sales monetization for car brands.

Automotive satellite communications is still a nascent concept, and deployment outside China won’t materialize until 2027. Low bandwidth applications, such as emergency text, emergency call, and stolen vehicle and remote vehicle control, will drive early adoption of automotive satellite connectivity, notably in premium Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs). As the technology matures and there is a clearer understanding of how to implement it, integration will expand to mass-market vehicles.

ABI Research forecasts the number of vehicles shipping with satellite communications capabilities annually to increase from 1 million in 2025 to about 30 million by 2034.

“As the satellite communication space continues to evolve in the automotive industry, adaptation is needed to fully enable the potential of this technology. SNOs, MNOs, Tier One suppliers, and consortiums of stakeholders all need to collaborate to achieve this adaptation.   – Abu Miah, Analyst at ABI Research

Ecosystem Players in Automotive Satellite  

Five key organizations are required to facilitate satellite vehicle communications: satellite operators, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), Tier One suppliers, chipset vendors, automobile OEMs, and standardizing bodies.

  • Satellite operators provide the space-based communications that vehicles use. Companies like Iridium and Starlink have integrated automotive use cases into their future visions.
  • MNOs like Verizon, AT&T, Vodafone, Rakuten, and others have already engaged in partnerships with satellite operators such as SpaceMobile. These MNOs aim to enhance mobile coverage, setting them up for a natural transition to the automotive industry.
  • Tier One suppliers/chipset vendors play a crucial role in integrating this technology, actively contributing through open working groups like the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) to develop antennas, modules, and other components. Chipset vendors, including MediaTek, already support narrowband Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) in smartphones and are gearing up to extend this support to vehicles.
  • OEMs are the automakers that integrate satellite connectivity into their vehicle designs. Tesla and Geely are in an excellent position to support automotive SatCom due to their respective Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations (i.e., Starlink and Geespace).
  • Standardizing bodies also play a crucial role in supporting satellite communications in the automotive industry. The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), European Space Agency (ESA), and The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) are notable standardization bodies that will be key to pushing the automotive industry toward SatCom.

Key Use Cases for Satellite Connectivity for the Automotive Industry

The following are some of the most prominent use cases for satellite communications in the automotive industry:

  • Coverage Extension: Even the most developed countries in the world have rural areas with poor cellular connectivity. For example, European drivers lack connectivity 12.4% of the time, even on main roads. Satellite connectivity will be essential in filling the connectivity gap in these hard-to-reach dead zones.
  • Network Continuity: At some point, 4G networks will be sunsetted, leaving vehicles that rely on it to lose connectivity. In many cases, the vehicle life span outlasts the cellular generation. As more vehicles leverage 5G, satellite communications will be critical to maintaining connectivity.
  • Emergency Services: The automotive industry is expected to follow a similar path to the smartphone market regarding satellite adoption. Therefore, emergency services will be a low-hanging fruit use case in early deployments. Satellite communications ensures that drivers can reach out to first responders during natural disasters or other dangerous scenarios.
  • Stolen Vehicle Tracking: These applications also fit within narrowband data rates, and are similarly attractive use cases for emergency situations where cellular connectivity may not be usable.

Identify Enabling Technologies for Automotive SatCom

Automotive satellite connectivity is not possible without the following underlying technologies, all of which are still in the design and refinery stage:

  • Satellites: The first applications for automotive satellite communications will be narrowband, meaning high speeds and very low latencies are not necessary. This will make Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites a viable candidate for early use cases. Once broadband applications for New Radio (NR) NTN are targeted, the automotive industry will require the superior connectivity of LEO constellations.
  • Vehicle Antennas: There are two main approaches to integrating satellite connectivity into vehicle antennas: adapting existing cellular antennas to support NTN connections or developing specialized satellite antennas. The choice depends on cost efficiency, as modifying cellular antennas requires significant Research and Development (R&D), while specialized antennas add complexity to the vehicle's supply chain. The industry has yet to settle on the optimal solution, and this may evolve as broadband capabilities are integrated into vehicle satellite systems.
  • Satellite Modules/Telematics Control Units: Vendors are considering two approaches for integrating satellite connectivity into vehicle architecture: using a distinct satellite module or incorporating it into the existing Telematics Control Unit (TCU). Integrating into the TCU requires NAD modules to include an NTN chipset and may need additional circuits, filters, and amplifiers, increasing R&D costs. However, this approach is expected to be more cost-effective and less complex than adding a separate module.
  • 3GPP Standards: The satellite industry is increasingly adopting open standards-based technologies, a trend also seen in other markets, including automotive. This shift is driven by the benefits of chipsets supporting terrestrial mobile and NTN networks. The automotive industry favors open standards for seamless integration with cellular networks, enabling Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to use Satellite Network Operators (SNOs) as roaming partners. 3GPP Release 17 defined narrowband NTN, and future releases will focus on higher bandwidth bands, enabling broadband capabilities in automotive applications.

Key Companies

Learn More

Explore the transformative impact of satellite communications on the automotive industry, from enhancing connectivity to enabling Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)—access the comprehensive report, Satellite Communications in the Automotive Industry, to learn more.