Boosting Customer Service with Extended Reality (XR) After-Sales

Learn how Extended Reality (XR) can enhance after-sales services—and therefore, make customers happier—and identify successful implementation strategies.

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Extended Reality (XR) for After-Sales Benefits and Growth Projections

Customer service is everything in business, ensuring customers spread good word of mouth about your brand, provide honest feedback, and keep coming back for more products or services. While personalized thank you emails, cross-selling with paired products, and other methods have boosted customer satisfaction, they feel underwhelming today. Extended Reality (XR) solution providers have stepped forward to offer a revolutionary way of providing customer service in a timely and interactive manner.

XR for after-sales can benefit manufacturers, logistics service providers, retailers, architects, healthcare providers, and other organizations in the following ways:

  • Speed up knowledge transfer by recording senior experts' onboarding sessions for future training.
  • Troubleshoot faster with real-time fault detection and remote resolutions, boosting Return on Investment (ROI).
  • Improve customer satisfaction by increasing first-time fix rates and shortening response times without extra resources.
  • Cut travel costs by conducting remote service visits.
  • Minimize machine downtime by guiding customers through maintenance processes, extending equipment life.

ABI Research projects that XR device shipments for after-sales services will grow from 269,000 in 2024 to 7.4 million by 2030, with a 74% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). That’s a nearly 28X increase in just 6 years.

Key industries driving this growth include manufacturing, energy & utilities, healthcare, logistics, Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC), real estate, and government/military, which will account for 73% of shipments in 2024. These forecasts are based on a detailed analysis of multiple data reports and research findings.

“XR allows for enhanced customer support where, for example, Augmented Reality (AR) can overlay digital information onto real-world objects, allowing users to understand features of a product or service without the need of a technician present. Not only this, but with AR, employees with any experience level can use AR to communicate with a professional in real time, solving the problem efficiently by accessing Three-Dimensional (3D) content in an immersive space or leveraging simple step-by-step instructions, without the need of on-site help.” – Matilda Beinat, Research Analyst at ABI Research


The rest of this resource provides ABI Research’s strategic recommendations for XR solution providers and the organizations that will leverage XR technologies to enhance after-sales.

Strike a Balance between XR and Traditional After-Sales

Offering both traditional and XR options for after-sales services is essential, as not everyone may want to adopt new technology immediately. While some customers may prefer using XR tools during the ordering and receiving process, others might need more time and support to adapt. Businesses should consider a gradual transition to XR technologies, providing flexibility and ensuring that customers and employees have sufficient time to learn and become comfortable with the new systems. This approach will help maintain satisfaction and smooth the adoption process.

Emphasize Employee Training for an Optimal Transition to XR After-Sales

Businesses must allocate time and resources to train their employees on using XR technology, emphasizing both its operation and benefits. Offering in-app guidance and online webinars can provide immersive and intuitive learning experiences, helping staff become proficient in XR tools. This ensures that those responsible for implementing XR can fully understand and leverage the technology to enhance customer experiences effectively. Proper training is essential to maximize the benefits of XR and ensure smooth adoption within the workforce.

Consider Different XR Accessibility Options for Consumers

Since most consumers won't have XR devices like Augmented Reality (AR) glasses or Virtual Reality (VR) headsets, offering alternative ways to access XR content is essential. Companies can use mobile apps that provide interactive Three-Dimensional (3D) models of products and step-by-step setup guides. This approach allows customers to engage with the technology through accessible platforms, enhancing their experience without requiring specialized devices. By making XR content available via mobile, companies can cater to a wider audience and ensure a seamless product setup process.

Gather Customer Feedback to Enhance XR After-Sales Solutions

Recognizing the long-term benefits of using XR alongside traditional customer service methods is vital. By considering customer feedback when integrating XR technologies, businesses can build stronger relationships and improve overall satisfaction. Balancing new technology with established service approaches allows companies to enhance the customer experience, ensuring a seamless transition and better alignment with user needs. This strategy not only increases engagement, but also fosters greater trust between businesses and their customers.

Key Companies

Learn More

Identify more trends and growth projections in XR after-sales by downloading ABI Research’s comprehensive report, Extended Reality in After Sales Services: Understanding Market Trends, Insights, and Strategic Applications in Manufacturing, AEC & Real Estate, and Logistics.