Selecting the Right Mechanical CAD Software Supplier for Large-Scale Manufacturing
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Market Background
ABI Research’s recent MCAD SaaS for Large Enterprises & Manufacturing at Scale competitive ranking assessed and compared the following eight suppliers of Mechanical Computer-Aided Design (MCAD) software for large industries. This study offers an unbiased assessment and ranking of the following software suppliers: Alibre, Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes, IronCAD, PTC, Siemens, TurboCAD, and ZWSOFT. The focus of this competitive assessment is MCAD providers for product design (Computer-Aided Design (CAD)), with an emphasis on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) deployment options for large-scale manufacturers. In this resource, we share the innovation and implementation criteria our analysts measured to rank these companies, as well as a look at where the top companies excel in these areas.
Mechanical CAD Software Innovations That Manufacturers Should Prioritize
Here are the attributes that a mechanical CAD software supplier must deliver to rank high in innovation.
Core Functionality: Ranking of overall CAD software functionality to assist in the design of models. Assessment of core MCAD functionality to design products from Two-Dimensional (2D)/3D modeling to meet parametric, direct, and model-based definitions. To assess MCAD capabilities, the best scores are directly correlated with solution offerings that implement areas of manufacturing such as, but not limited to, sheet metal design, Building Information Modeling (BIM), industrial machinery, and assembly creation.
Computer-Aided Additions: Integration of computer-aided additions into the CAD software to create a Computer-Aided Technology (CAx) software. This includes, but is not limited to, Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP), and Computer-Aided Quality Assurance (CAQ).
Extended Functionality: This criterion evaluates to what extent software providers are using new features such as generative design and Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) technology, along with complementary functionality such as rendering and model simulation. For AR/VR technology in CAD, no providers have made the leap to enable editing, so assessment will be based on the capabilities of AR/VR viewing.
Cloud Capabilities: Assessment of cloud utilization for CAD software providers such as cloud computing, real-time collaborative workspaces, file sharing, and data storage.
Top Three Most Innovative Mechanical CAD Software Suppliers
Here are the top three innovators in the mechanical CAD software market, including how these companies excel.
#1: PTC
PTC leads in innovation with Creo and Creo+ due to both software offering the best service for integrated functions such as a fully-fledged CAx model, embedded computer-aided additions, and extended functionality in the form of cloud usage, generative design, and AR/VR viewing. Specific areas of CAD in which PTC provides a better solution are for parametric surfacing, Model-Based Definition (MBD), mechanism design, and BIM. With this robust CAD toolset, along with simulation integrated through Ansys, Creo, and Creo+, are the overall strongest offerings for industrial-scale manufacturers.
#2: Siemens
Siemens was the second-best innovator for mechanical CAD SaaS solutions for large enterprises with Solid Edge, NX, and NX X. Between the offerings, Siemens offers a comprehensive CAD solution for both on-premises deployments and SaaS for large-scale manufacturers. Only marginally behind PTC, Siemens provides comparable service to that of Creo and Creo+ for CAD, extended functionality, and cloud capabilities. Solid Edge, NX, and NX X only fall short in regard to providing a native CAQ solution that is fully integrated into CAD solution offerings and not by Teamcenter extension.
#3: Autodesk
Autodesk solidifies its place in the top three for innovation rankings through AutoCAD and Inventor CAD functionality due to strong features such as, but not limited to, dynamic blocks, change history, and support for Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Autodesk’s position as a CAD-centric provider is unique because compared to other incumbent providers (Dassault Systèmes, PTC, and Siemens), it can focus more directly on keeping up with MCAD updates and new innovations in the field.
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Mechanical CAD Software Implementation Factors
In this section, we discuss the implementation criteria that large-scale manufacturers should look at when evaluating potential CAD software solutions for mechanical engineering teams.
New User Experience: How easy is it for a new user to pick up the software? What options are solution providers offering to educate engineers on full-use capabilities?
Deployment for Large Industries: What companies are using CAD software of the vendors, with an emphasis on company size (employee) and manufacturing vertical?
Payment Structures: Identify the purchasing options for CAD software, including perpetual licenses, subscriptions, model-based, and token purchasing.
Market Share: Based on revenue generated from software seats across regions: Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
Solution/Technology Ecosystem: Looks at functions that are integrated into the CAD software such as simulation from specialized providers. Additionally, this criterion identifies partnerships between CAD providers and specialized software providers to locate in-house functionality versus exported functionality.
Vendors That Best Support Mechanical CAD Software Implementation
Here, we list the top three companies that enable the implementation of mechanical CAD software, as reported in our competitive assessment.
#1: Dassault Systèmes
Dassault Systèmes is the leader for implementation among the CAD providers in this assessment, primarily due to SOLIDWORKS and CATIA’s large user base and integrated ecosystem for application collaboration within 3DEXPERIENCE (3DX). Dassault Systèmes scored highly on all criteria involved with implementation, topping both User Experience (UX) and market share. For UX, SOLIDWORKS is one of the most widely used offerings for new mechanical engineers, as the learning curve and time to proficiency is significantly better than other software. CATIA sees significant market share for large-scale manufacturing across all verticals, with a notable presence in aerospace and defense, one of the largest users of complex CAD systems.
#2: Autodesk
Autodesk ranks second in implementation. As an incumbent provider, new engineers are typically familiar with Autodesk from an early start, due to AutoCAD and Inventor having extensive ties to universities and teaching programs. The only point retractions in comparison to Dassault Systèmes comes from a slightly smaller market share, along with having to rely extensively on a partner ecosystem for added functionality.
#3: Siemens
Siemens rounds out the top three for implementation, only narrowly losing out to Autodesk by 0.1%. The narrow (0.1%) margin that separates Siemens from Autodesk is attributed to overall market share, as more users opt for AutoCAD and Inventor. As suggested by the rankings, both software providers are neck and neck, with ease of use for new users of AutoCAD products providing a slightly higher rating. Solid Edge, NX, and NX X are attempting to overcome this gap with extensive training provided by Siemens to new users of CAD software.
Get the Complete Ranking
These company assessments only serve as a teaser to the full, in-depth assessments provided in ABI Research’s MCAD SaaS for Large Enterprises & Manufacturing at Scale competitive ranking. Not only does the full report delve into great detail on the best mechanical CAD software providers, but it also identifies the strong points and weak points of these firms to accurately gauge market positioning.
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Competitive Ranking | 4Q 2023 | CA-1391