Satellite IoT Trends and Applications

Explore key applications of satellite Internet of Things (IoT), including agriculture, energy management, and environmental monitoring, highlighting how these technologies enhance efficiency and real-time data collection. This resource also examines emerging trends, such as the shift toward dual-band solutions, the integration of 5G-based services, and the growing role of standardized protocols, all of which are poised to drive significant growth and innovation in the satellite IoT sector

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Satellite IoT is set to experience a shift toward dual-band solutions, combining Ku and Ka frequency bands to offer superior coverage, reliability, and flexibility compared to single-band alternatives. While proprietary satellite protocols currently dominate the market, there is a trend toward standardizing air interfaces as the satellite IoT industry evolves.

As of the end of 2023, there were 8.46 million satellite-enabled IoT connections, with projections to reach 26.95 million by 2030. North America is expected to lead the market, while Asia-Pacific is forecast to be the fastest-growing region, driven by industrial expansion and increasing demand for satellite IoT applications.

In the realm of Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and LTE-M, these technologies are becoming increasingly relevant as satellite operators aim to bridge terrestrial and satellite networks for seamless connectivity. Additionally, the anticipated introduction of 5G-based New Radio (NR) Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) satellite services in 2026 is expected to significantly enhance satellite IoT capabilities, accelerating the trend toward NR NTN.

In agriculture, satellite IoT is projected to become highly valuable, with connections expected to surpass 1.4 million by 2029. The technology is also expanding in the energy and utilities sector, with smart grid connections anticipated to exceed 500,000 by 2029. In fisheries and aquaculture, satellite IoT is revolutionizing operations by enabling real-time tracking of fish stocks, monitoring water quality, and optimizing feeding practices. Given the vast number of fishing vessels and fish farms globally, this sector presents a substantial opportunity for satellite IoT applications.

Furthermore, satellite IoT is increasingly utilized for environmental monitoring, offering real-time data on climate conditions, natural disaster tracking, and pollution levels. As investments in environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation grow, the demand for satellite IoT in this area is expected to increase, with Condition-Based Monitoring (CBM) connections projected to exceed 1 million by 2029.

As the pie chart below shows, Viasat and Inmarsat—through a strategic merger—hold the largest market share for satellite IoT at 22.1% as of 2023. Moreover, North America presents the largest revenue opportunity for satellite-enabled IoT solutions, driven by national security and industry.

Satellite IoT market share, 2023

A chart forecasting satellite IoT connections revenue

The rest of this resource identifies the key applications for satellite IoT.


Satellite IoT companies have experienced increased interest from agricultural firms, particularly for precision farming, livestock management, optimized irrigation, supply chain management, pest and disease control, and resource sustainability. By 2029, agriculture connections are expected to exceed 1.4 million.

Case Study: Farmbot, Pivotel, and Inmarsat Partnership

Organizations: Farmbot, Pivotel, and Inmarsat

Focus: Implementing satellite IoT-enabled solutions for water management in agriculture across Australia

Challenge: Australia has over 430,000 rural water tanks and over 1,000,000 large and small dams, with very few monitored in real time. Managing these water resources is costly, requiring farmers to travel vast distances for manual checks.

Solution: Farmbot, in collaboration with Inmarsat and Pivotel, provides real-time water management solutions using satellite IoT technology. This allows farmers to remotely monitor water levels in tanks, dams, reservoirs, and control pumps and other machinery.

Sustainability: Enhances sustainable water management and resource allocation

Technology: Offers real-time water monitoring and data insights

Time Savings: Farmers save up to 200 hours previously spent tracking water assets

Cost and Emissions Reduction: Reduces running costs and fuel emissions from vehicles used for manual water checks

Fisheries & Aquaculture

The fisheries sector has significantly adopted satellite IoT for Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMSs), enhancing regulatory compliance, sustainability, and safety. This technology is crucial for combating Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported (IUU) fishing, and improving fishery resource management. With over 4 million fishing vessels and a rapidly growing number of fish farms, this industry has substantial market potential.

Case Study: ORBCOMM and ETNECA

Organizations: ORBCOMM and ETNECA 

Focus: Implementing satellite IoT solutions for fisheries management in Thailand

Challenge: IUU fishing threatening marine environments and fishers’ safety 

Solution: Deployment of ORBCOMM’s VMS using ST 6100 satellite terminals

Sustainability: Promotes responsible fisheries management 

Technology: Provides real-time data on vessel location, speed, and fishing activities 

Scale: Largest market share in Thailand VMS, also expanding to Myanmar 

Results: Over 3,500 vessels monitored; enhanced compliance with fishing regulations; and improved maritime safety and environmental protection 

Environmental Monitoring

Satellite IoT has become vital in the global fight against climate change, reflecting the increased focus on sustainability. It is used for various environmental monitoring applications, including tracking climate aspects, biodiversity, natural resource changes, and the conditions of oceans, forests, and glaciers.

Case Study: Wyld Networks and Novecom

Organizations: Wyld Networks and Novecom 

Focus: Delivering satellite IoT solutions for environmental monitoring in rural Australia 

Challenge: Limited connectivity in remote areas for effective environmental monitoring, leading to data gaps and inefficiencies 

Solution: Deployment of Wyld’s satellite connectivity with Novecom’s environmental monitoring solutions to enable real-time IoT data transmission for environmental sensors in remote and challenging locations 

Sustainability: Promotes sustainable environmental practices by providing accurate and timely data for resource management and conservation efforts 

Scale: Expands the reach of environmental monitoring efforts to global scales

Coverage: Enhanced monitoring capabilities in rural and hard-to-reach areas where traditional networks are unavailable

Data Collection: Improved real-time data acquisition on environmental conditions, including water quality, wildlife tracking, and air quality monitoring

Energy and Utilities

The energy and utilities sector increasingly uses satellite IoT for real-time monitoring and management of critical infrastructure, such as power grids, pipelines, and renewable energy sources. This technology supports predictive maintenance, operational efficiency, and grid reliability through data-driven insights and remote asset management. By 2029, satellite IoT connections for smart grids are expected to exceed 500,000.

Case Study: Inmarsat, Rawafed Libya for Telecommunication and Technology (RLTT)

Organizations: Inmarsat and RLTT 

Focus: Delivering secure satellite-enabled IoT services to oil & gas operators in Libya

Challenge: Required reliable connectivity to oversee remote oil & gas installations while ensuring operational efficiency and safety

Solution: Deployed Inmarsat’s ELERA satellite services, including IsatData Pro and BGAN, to enable real-time infrastructure monitoring and telematics

Sustainability: Improved operational efficiency and safety by minimizing the necessity for on-site visits to hazardous locations

Technology: Provided secure, dependable satellite connectivity, essential for remote monitoring

Scale: Advanced the digitalization of Libya’s oil & gas sector through extensive remote monitoring solutions

Coverage: Enabled ongoing monitoring of remote wellheads and production sites, ensuring operational efficiency and safety

Data Collection: Facilitated constant remote telematic and Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring, enhancing asset management and security

Key Companies

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Assess the future of satellite IoT connectivity with our latest report. Gain valuable insights into market trends and technological advancements to stay ahead and make informed decisions. Read the full report: Satellite Communications: Highlights & Developments in the Satellite IoT Marketplace: 3Q 2024.