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Leo Gergs

Principal Analyst

Research Focus

Principal Analyst Leo Gergs leads the research in 5G Markets, including 5G monetization models. While this also includes success stories in the consumer domain, his research focuses on cellular revenue opportunities for enterprise connectivity. Within this context, he leads ABI Research’s work on private cellular networks and the role of hyperscalers, infrastructure vendors, Communication Service Providers (CSPs), and System Integrators (SIs) for enterprise connectivity. Furthermore, he looks into the role of recent trends, such as Open Radio Access Network (RAN) and neutral hosts providers, and their implications for enterprise connectivity.


Topics Covered

Hybrid Cloud & 5G Markets
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Neutral Host Networks for Enterprise 5G - What Industry Players Need to Know
What Infrastructure Vendors Need to Know About Neutral Host Networks for Enterprise 5G
Neutral Host Networks for Enterprise 5G: What Tower Companies Need to Know


The Role of 5G in ICT Transformation

The Role of 5G in ICT Transformation

Insight | 3Q 2021 | IN-6275


Data Fabric Maturity Index
Data Fabric Maturity Index

Presentation | 4Q 2024 | PT-3344

Industrial Data Generation Forecast
Industrial Data Generation Forecast

Market Data | 3Q 2024 | MD-DTAMMS-101

Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker

Market Data | 3Q 2024 | MD-SSPT-24

Private 5G Drivers & Use Cases In Manufacturing
Private 5G Drivers & Use Cases In Manufacturing

Whitepaper | 2Q 2024 | WP-202

Private Cellular Network Forecasts
Private Cellular Network Forecasts

Market Data | 1Q 2024 | MD-PCRN-23

Unlocking The Mobile Private Networks Opportunity
Unlocking The Mobile Private Networks Opportunity

Whitepaper | 4Q 2023 | WP-1031

Neutral Host Enterprise Cellular Revenue Forecast
Neutral Host Enterprise Cellular Revenue Forecast

Market Data | 4Q 2023 | MD-NHTAM-101

Wired To Wireless Change Guide
Wired To Wireless Change Guide

Whitepaper | 4Q 2023 | WP-1025

Neutral Host Providers' Enterprise 5G Solutions
Neutral Host Providers' Enterprise 5G Solutions

Competitive Ranking | 3Q 2023 | CA-1428

5G Contribution to Global Economic Activity
5G Contribution to Global Economic Activity

Market Data | 2Q 2023 | MD-5GDP-101

Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker

Market Data | 2Q 2023 | MD-SSPT-23

Private Cellular Network Forecasts
Private Cellular Network Forecasts

Market Data | 1Q 2023 | MD-PCRN-22

Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker

Market Data | 3Q 2022 | MD-SSPT-22

System Integrators’ Private 5G
System Integrators’ Private 5G

Competitive Ranking | 3Q 2022 | CA-1337

Distributed Computing in Private Networks
Distributed Computing in Private Networks

Report | 2Q 2022 | AN-5463

The Role of 5G in ICT Transformation
The Role of 5G in ICT Transformation

Report | 1Q 2022 | AN-5511

Private Cellular Network Forecasts
Private Cellular Network Forecasts

Market Data | 4Q 2021 | MD-PCRN-21

The Role of 5G in Enterprise ICT Systems
The Role of 5G in Enterprise ICT Systems

Report | 4Q 2021 | AN-5327

Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker
Shared Spectrum and Private Networks Tracker

Market Data | 3Q 2021 | MD-SSPT-21

Mobile Network Operators' Enterprise 5G Offerings
Mobile Network Operators' Enterprise 5G Offerings

Competitive Ranking | 2Q 2021 | CA-1290

Impact of Huawei Restrictions on 5G Markets
Impact of Huawei Restrictions on 5G Markets

Report | 4Q 2020 | AN-5339

Private Cellular Networks for Enterprise
Private Cellular Networks for Enterprise

Presentation | 4Q 2020 | PT-2395

Private Cellular Network Forecasts
Private Cellular Network Forecasts

Market Data | 4Q 2020 | MD-PCRN-20

5G in Health Care
5G in Health Care

Report | 3Q 2020 | AN-5234

5G in Media and Entertainment
5G in Media and Entertainment

Report | 2Q 2020 | AN-5230

Private Wireless Spectrum Tracker
Private Wireless Spectrum Tracker

Market Data | 1Q 2020 | MD-SSPT-20

5G in Automotive and Smart Transportation
5G in Automotive and Smart Transportation

Report | 1Q 2020 | AN-5229

Leo Gergs In The News

Manufacturers Must Bridge the ‘Data Gap’
Assembly (2025-01-21)

“Generating a lot of data is one thing,” says Leo Gergs, principal analyst at ABI Research. “Being able to analyze and prepare this data for large language models and AI algorithm training is another.

“Data fabrics hold immense promise in transforming operations through seamless integration,...


Manufacturers will generate nearly the same amount of data as all mobile subscribers in 2030: Report
CIO (2024-08-15)
According to a new report by global technology intelligence firm ABI Research, Industrial Enterprises will generate a stunning 4.4 Zettabytes of OT data by 2030 “In the wake of Industry 4.0, data is becoming the lifeblood of industrial enterprises, driving innovation and efficiency, and the...

4.4 ZB of OT data by 2030 – 10m factories to produce as much as 9bn mobile subs
RCR Wireless News (2024-08-14)
Crucially, as per the coverage also, the discipline to connect mission-critical Industry 4.0 operations and processes is different. Leo Gergs, principal analyst at ABI Research, says: “Data is becoming the lifeblood of industrial enterprises, driving innovation and efficiency. The comparison to...

Industry tipped to almost match mobile user data volume
Mobile World Live (2024-08-14)
Other requirements highlighted by the analyst house include sophisticated data management systems, with ABI’s principal analyst for hybrid cloud and 5G markets Leo Gergs noting currently only 5 per cent of operational data generated by enterprises is “properly utilised due to high friction between...

Feature: Analysts see change ahead as CrowdStrike fallout continues
Mobile World Live (2024-07-26)
ABI Research principal analyst Leo Gergs told MWL the CrowdStrike incident “showcased, in the most brutal and devastating way”, that global IT systems “are precariously perched on a knife’s edge”, regardless of how advanced they are. He said the matter is a “stark reminder” that tech giants...

Botched software, crappy computers, hybrid clouds – about the global IT outage
RCR Wireless News (2024-07-19)
Which sums up the earlier point about the power of the mob; of people killing businesses, just like overthrow governments (in democratic systems); except maybe if you are Microsoft, plus a very few others. Leo Gergs, principal analyst at ABI Research, responded: “The damage to the credibility of...

Botched software, crappy computers, hybrid clouds – about the global IT outage
RCR Wireless News (2024-07-19)
Which sums up the earlier point about the power of the mob; of people killing businesses, just like overthrow governments (in democratic systems); except maybe if you are Microsoft, plus a very few others. Leo Gergs, principal analyst at ABI Research, responded: “The damage to the credibility of...

ABI tips neutral hosts to generate $1.3B in enterprise connectivity by 2030
Mobile World Live (2024-02-1)
Leo Gergs, principal analyst for enterprise connectivity and 5G markets, stated enterprises face increased production costs, which is driving demand for digitalisation powered by private mobile networks. He noted another factor driving enterprise cellular connectivity is tight investment budgets. As...

pple brings global support for (white-collar) private 5G
RCR Wireless News (2023-06-8)
Leo Gergs, principal analyst at ABI Research, commented: “This is a step into the right direction, as it drives attention for other device manufacturers to not forget about private networks. Having a big fish like Apple supporting private networks will hopefully drag the mainstream device...

According to a new study, 5G will have a transformative effect on the global economy & may boost GDP by $500 billion by 2030.
Electronics Media (2023-05-31)
According to Leo Gergs, Principal Analyst, Enterprise Cellular Connectivity and 5G Markets at ABI Research, “These numbers underline the vast size of the opportunity and the transformative potential that 5G connectivity can have on global economic productivity – be it through the public...

White House begins early planning for 6G development
CNN (2023-04-21)
Some countries, including China, have found more traction. However, conditions in China are not directly comparable to those in the US, as the Chinese government has much more influence over business decisions, according to Leo Gergs, an analyst at ABI Research. The more limited 5G adoption in the...

Private 5G will be worth $96bn by 2030 – but half will go on problem-solving SI services
RCR Wireless News (2023-02-24)
ABI Research reminded that the ‘private 5G’ market will remain a private LTE market until 2030 at the earliest, when 5G edges LTE for market share, both in terms of the installed base and live deployments. The inflection point was previously pegged at 2027/29, reckoned ABI Research, so it has gone...

Chips are holding back 5G private wireless
Fierce Wireless (2023-01-17)
Private wireless seems to be booming, so it was a surprise to see an ABI Research report predicting that private 5G would not take off in 2023. Many private wireless deployments to date are 4G, while 5G is still waiting for next-generation chipsets. Leo Gergs, senior 5G markets analyst at ABI...

The first rule of 5G club – and other lessons from Private Networks Europe Forum
Enterprise IoT Insights (2022-10-19)
Indeed, engagements with enterprises are getting more serious, at last. So says Leo Gergs, senior analyst at ABI Research, and the other panellist on the forum session. Gergs brought additional context – including to a previous address from GSA, which counted 889 ‘catalogued customer’ networks, and...

The Rise Of Private Networks: The Enterprise Opportunity
Forbes (2022-10-18)
According to industry analyst firm ABI Research in its recent report, The Role of 5G in ICT Transformation, the global market for 5G and 4G private networks will grow to $109 billion by 2030. This revenue number includes network equipment, as well as professional services, which account for...

ABI urges systems integrators to up enterprise plays
Mobile World Live (2022-10-6)
ABI Research argued systems integrators must consider more than just mobile technologies when pitching to enterprise customers, warning the window of opportunity to provide 5G services is closing. Leo Gergs, senior analyst for private networks and enterprise connectivity, stated systems integrators...

The trouble with private 5G for Industry 4.0 | Part 3 – the spectrum
Enterprise IoT Insights (2022-07-12)
Back to Leo Gergs again at ABI Research, with data about licence applications. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has granted 20,625 private access licences (PALs) in the 3.55-3.7 GHz CBRS band in the US, he says – a number that does not, apparently, include general authorised access (GAA)...

The trouble with private 5G for Industry 4.0 | Part 2 – the devices
Enterprise IoT Insights (2022-07-8)
Leo Gergs from ABI Research rejoins: “It’s a good question; I’m still figuring it out. I mean, it is not always clear what use cases are attached to these deployments. Most are probably voice driven, rather than IoT driven. Certainly with the Nokia numbers, the majority are LTE deployments. 5G is...

The trouble with private 5G for Industry 4.0 | Part 1 – the standard
Enterprise IoT Insights (2022-07-7)
But, back to Gergs (Leo Gergs at ABI Research; see here for previous commentary); is it the case, then, that Release 15 just isn’t good enough for industry? Is that the source of the disquiet among industrial users? “Yes,” he responds. “There is a realisation that it won’t cut it, at least for...

Why Should You Care about 5G?
Infotech Report (2022-03-23)
“There's a lot that 4G can do already, but there are cases where the high reliability, high availability, and low latency of 5G make a tangible difference.” - Leo Gergs, Senior Analyst, ABI Research

Private Network Complexities, Opportunities Abound
SDX Central (2022-03-17)
‘Sweet Telco Dream’ Unlikely to Materialize “Enterprises have a plethora of connectivity technologies at hand — look at WiFi, Bluetooth, or Zigbee, for example. Expecting private cellular to emerge and knock off all these technologies at once will forever remain a sweet telco dream,” Leo Gergs,...

China Leads the Way With Private 5G Networks at Industrial Facilities
Wall Street Journal (2022-03-14)
Last year, companies involved in their deployment generated $1.2 billion of revenue from 5G private networks serving businesses and governments in China, accounting for about a third of the global total and more than the revenue generated in Europe and North America combined, according to ABI...

New Goldman Sachs-AWS data service points to a larger banking trend
Computer World (2021-12-7)
With digital transformation initiatives, data is generated in different locations of an enterprise. Streaming all the data to a central repository is expensive, both in terms of bandwidth and data center resources, according to Leo Gergs, an analyst with ABI Research. “That’s why [public] cloud is...

‘Telcos should know by now they’re not the only ones’ – analysts on AWS Private 5G
Enterprise IoT Insights (2021-12-2)
“The entrance of a large player like AWS will always have important implications. It will drive attention and provide a boost to the market. This move also changes market conditions in two ways. Firstly, it signals the full entrance of ‘consumption economics’ into the private 5G domain. Even though...

5G manufacturing ecosystems are still lacking some key aspects , ABI analyst says
Enterprise IoT Insights (2021-11-9)
The availability of 5G-capable devices for manufacturing environments and the ability of private 5G networks to support legacy manufacturing protocols are two of the factors that will help determine the speed at which manufacturers adopt 5G, according to Leo Gergs, senior analyst at ABI Research....

Asia Rising (2021-10-25)
A recent competitive assessment by tech market advisory firm ABI Research compares and ranks 20 mobile network operators and their enterprise 5G offerings based on an extensive set of criteria to assess both innovation and implementation capabilities. While Deutsche Telekom, China Unicom, Orange,...

TechTarget: Top 10 promising 5G use cases CIOs should know
TechTarget (2021-09-17)
"It's really important for businesses to identify where 5G can add benefits," said Leo Gergs, senior analyst with ABI Research. "There's a lot that 4G can do already, but there are cases where the high reliability, high availability and low latency of 5G makes a tangible difference."

Enterprise IoT Insights: The ‘failure’ of private 5G – another telco bungle, or just industrial inertia? (Is the window really closing?)
Enterprise IoT Insights (2021-08-31)
Did you see the writeup last week (or the week before?), that the window of opportunity for telcos to reinvent themselves with private 5G, as more than just dinosaur utility pipes, is closing almost before it has even opened? Sound somewhat alarmist? We thought so, probably. The story was from ABI...

Help Net Security: Private network deployments are slow, the window of opportunity for enterprise 5G is closing
Help Net Security (2021-08-26)
“Most private network deployments in Germany are essentially sales-driven and only a few deployments are really used to enhance enterprise workflows and operations. The fact that these sales-driven activities dominate the number of private networks in Germany is yet another warning sign that...

TechTarget: Evaluating the benefits of 5G for businesses
TechTarget (2021-08-25)
To start, CIOs and their C-suite colleagues need to consider use cases where 4G isn't sufficient. Then they'll have to invest in the connected ecosystem that truly makes use of 5G's advanced capacity and speed, said Leo Gergs, an analyst with ABI Research's 5G markets research service. "There's a...

SDXCentral: Operators Confront Souring Private Networks Position
SDXCentral (2021-08-24)
Private cellular networks are a heavy lift with abundant potential that could reframe network operators’ role with enterprises, but that window of opportunity amid the proliferation of 5G is closing, according to ABI Research. The conclusion is particularly troublesome for mobile network operators...

Fierce Wireless: ABI Research is downbeat on private networks in Germany
Fierce Wireless (2021-08-19)
According to ABI Research, interest in private wireless networks is fading in Germany. ABI Research says there are more than 290 publicly-disclosed private network deployments worldwide. Germany accounts for 146 licenses granted to enterprises for the deployment of a mobile private network, while...

Future CIO: Strategy for a rapid post-COVID-19 healthcare systems recovery
Future CIO (2021-07-21)
According to the ABI Research whitepaper The Need for a Digitized Smart Health Care System in a Post-Pandemic World, the global outbreak COVID-19 has put healthcare systems across the globe under tremendous pressure and underscored the urgent need to advance to a smart healthcare system....

Capacity Magazine: Deutsche Telekom named overall leader in enterprise 5G
Capacity Magazine (2021-07-8)
Deutsche Telekom has been identified as offering the most diversified product portfolio for enterprise 5G. Research out today identified it as a market leader in the sector, along with China Unicom, Orange, China Mobile and Vodafone. Specifically, Deutsche Telekom was recognised for offering "the...

Computer Weekly: Enea launches 5G MicroCore to support private enterprise networks for Industry 4.0
Computer Weekly (2021-04-19)
“As technologies such as automation, robotics, augmented reality and virtual reality are rolled out to support Industry 4.0 initiatives, enterprises need robust data management capabilities for inter-factory 5G Private networks,” added Leo Gergs, research analyst for 5G markets at ABI Research....

Network World: 5G services: Another FCC auction to jumpstart carrier deployments
Network World (2021-03-17)
This is a continuation of long-standing plans to open more spectrum for 5G use, but ABI Research analyst Leo Gergs said the timing of the announcements marks a subtle shift. “What the new administration has done has accelerated these plans,” Gergs said. He also noted that the new spectrum is...

FedTech Magazine: VA, Air Force Test Out 5G in Hospital Settings
FedTech Magazine (2021-02-25)
Leo Gergs, 5G markets research analyst at ABI Research, says he sees it not only powering clinical use cases, but also improving healthcare operations. “One of the interesting revelations I came across during my research is that a nurse spends only 18 percent of the day performing patient-facing...

Mobile Europe: Ban on Chinese vendors to delay 5G rollout globally by several years
Mobile Europe (2021-01-15)
Keeping Chinese vendors’ equipment out of national communications infrastructure on security concerns will have a detrimental effect on 5G roll-outs and technology evolution for the years to come according to ABI Research. Higher costs According to a new study by ABI Research, excluding Huawei It...

Market Screener: ZTE : Geopolitics are Strangling the Global Telecoms Supply Chain; The ban on Chinese vendors will delay the global 5G rollout by several years
Market Screener (2021-01-12)
"Our research shows that banning Huawei and ZTE from 5G deployments and restricting their access to silicon and semiconductor supply chains will have severe implications on economic performances. Furthermore, banning these Chinese vendors will hamper 5G and 6G R&D," says Leo Gergs, Research Analyst...

Asia Times: Brazilian soy farmers push ahead with 5G Huawei project
Asia Times (2020-12-8)
“5G has the potential to have a transformative effect on the global economy through a number of different verticals, and farming certainly is one of the most prominent ones to consider,” ABI Research analyst Leo Gergs told Fortune magazine.

Enterprise IoT Insights: How is Nokia doing with private LTE / 5G? ‘Good, better than Ericsson, except that…’
Enterprise IoT Insights (2020-12-7)
So, then, to the meat of it: does Nokia have this market cracked? How is Nokia doing with enterprise-geared cellular, compared to its old rivals and partners, and also to newer breeds of network vendors? The answer comes: good, generally, respond commentators. “Fairly well,” says Leo Gergs, research...

Help Net Security: Demand for private network deployments will be driven by heavy industry verticals
Help Net Security (2020-12-2)
According to ABI Research, the demand for private network deployments will be driven primarily by heavy industry verticals. Industrial manufacturing, energy production (including mining, oil and gas, and logistics) alone will generate private network revenues of $32.38 billion by 2030, representing...

Telecoms.com: There’s a lot of money in private mobile networks
Telecoms.com (2020-11-25)
The growth in demand for automation and enterprise digitisation has been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, with businesses in industrial manufacturing, logistics, and oil and gas pushing harder on their plans for digitisation, said Leo Gergs, Research Analyst for 5G Markets at ABI Research. In...

Telecoms.com: Verizon taps up Nokia for private 5G push
Telecoms.com (2020-10-20)
ABI Research this week published a new prediction that private cellular network deployments within the enterprise domain will generate equipment revenues of more than US$64 billion by 2030. Admittedly, that figure does not relate only to 5G, but there’s clearly a massive market here. “These numbers...

Electronic Products: 5G: The next big thing is here
Electronic Products (2020-09-25)
One potentially huge use case is automotive. By bringing cellular connectivity into the car (cellular vehicle-to-everything, or C-V2X), 5G will increase the safety of road traffic and open the door for the next level of fully autonomous driving through connected car use cases, said Leo Gergs,...

Industry Week: The Covid-19 Effect: The 2020 IndustryWeek Technology Survey
Industry Week (2020-08-19)
Many manufacturers are focusing on the core of their business and know that digitalization is a key to future success, explains Ryan Martin, Industrial & Manufacturing principal analyst at global tech market advisory firm ABI Research.

CNet: 5G starts with your phone, but is about bigger ideas
CNet (2020-06-11)
Leo Gergs, a research analyst at ABI Research, says that may be OK. "4G was very consumer-oriented; with 5G that is starting to shift. It's vitally important that the telco industry target the enterprise," Gergs says. "But they realize the picture inside the enterprise is much more complicated" than...

Computer Weekly: Telcos’ enterprise ambitions at risk from private network operators, private spectrum
Computer Weekly (2020-05-13)
ABI’s Private wireless spectrum tracker found that there are currently initiatives in 15 countries for enterprises to deploy private networks. These include supporting arrangements for enterprises to acquire spectrum directly from the regulator, as well as spectrum assets held by mobile network...

Computer Weekly: Coronavirus: Standardisation delays threaten long-term enterprise 5G
Computer Weekly (2020-04-2)
industry missing out on up to 10% of total revenues, says research firm Joe O’Halloran By Joe O’Halloran, Computer Weekly Published: 02 Apr 2020 11:49 The Covid-19 pandemic has forced a delay in crucial standardisation work that would make 5G available for enterprise use cases, an ABI Research study...

Computer Weekly: 5G propels connected vehicles into top gear
Computer Weekly (2020-03-17)
generation networks become more pervasive Joe O’Halloran By Joe O’Halloran, Computer Weekly Published: 16 Mar 2020 11:52 A study from ABI Research has concluded that the commercial roll-out of 5G and other next-generation connectivity will have a transformative effect on worldwide roadways within...

Fortune: How 5G promises to revolutionize farming
Fortune (2020-02-28)
Wireless sensors connected through 5G could monitor field conditions and detect when crops need watering, pesticides, or fertilizer, experts say. It could also help with tracking livestock and guiding agricultural drones and self-driving tractors. "5G has the potential to have a transformative...

TechRepublic: Manufacturing to dominate nearly 25% of 5G use cases by 2028
TechRepublic (2020-01-16)
In a blog post, research analyst Leo Gergs explained some of the steps both sides should take before trying to sell or incorporate 5G technology. For companies looking to expand 5G adoption, Gergs said large manufacturers like Beckhoff Automation, Balluff, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, or...

Digital Engineering 247: Bringing 5G to The Factory Floor
Digital Engineering 247 (2020-01-3)
“As a technology, 5G will be a perfect fit to provide wireless connectivity on the factory floor, since it enables, for example, establishing a massive wireless sensor network or implementing Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) applications for predictive maintenance and product...

RT Insights: Enterprise 5G “Vitally Important” For Factory Deployment
RT Insights (2019-12-16)
“As a technology, 5G will be a perfect fit to provide wireless connectivity on the factory floor, since it enables, for example, establishing a massive wireless sensor network or VR and AR applications for predictive maintenance and product monitoring,” said Leo Gergs, Research Analyst at ABI...

Computer Weekly: Traditional telco approach risks hampering 5G development in manufacturing
Computer Weekly (2019-12-4)
from 14 to 10 years, with especially large gains in manufacturing, says ABI Research Joe O’Halloran By Joe O’Halloran, Computer Weekly Published: 04 Dec 2019 15:30 Targeting enterprise verticals early, especially in manufacturing, is vital for communications service providers to successfully deploy...

People Magazine: My Recently Deceased Mom's Valentine's Day Text Was Finally Delivered — All Because of a Glitch
People Magazine (2019-11-10)
ABI research analyst Leo Gergs told CNN that the glitch likely affected Valentine’s Day because of the “abnormally high” amount of texts that are sent that day.

CNN Business: People just received text messages originally sent on Valentine's Day
CNN Business (2019-11-7)
ABI Research, which provides research and guidance on technology, said the four major carriers announced a "cross-carrier messaging system" that is expected to launch in 2020. "Unfortunately, in order for improvements to happen, updates need to take place. And, sometimes those updates do have a...